Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how I, Bradley Deans, collect and use data from your use of this website.

Collected Information

This website currently does not collect any personal information about you. There are no configurations made in the website files to store or collect data regarding any user of the website. My current hosting provider Hostinger will store server logs that will contain, the user's IP address, user agent, timestamp, and status code.

Your Rights to Data Protection

You have the right to access, correct or delete any personel data collected by me. If you have any concerns over your data protection, please contact me at

Secure Data Transfer

This website transmits all data using HTTPS, encrypting all data between the user's browser and the website server. Your ISP or network provider may still be able to see files being loaded for this website, but cannot see the content of them.

Changes To This Policy

This Privacy Policy may receive future updates depending on potential updates I make to the website.